
Welcome to My Realm

I would introduce myself, but you already know me. I am that movement just out of the corner of your eye. I am the shadow that seems a bit off from the light. I am the whispering voice you hear in the darkness. Be not afraid, though, for I am a friend. I seek only to keep the Balance between the Light and the Darkness.

I am using this space to continue my journals that span my entire existence and I hope to perhaps provide a cautionary tale here or there for those who read this. Who am I? That, will be revealed as the Shadows change. For now, call me by the name I have held in this time and place, Riambra.


Music Lost

The heart beats unending time

Coupled with reason’s constant rhyme

Wind through the leaves whispering now

A bird’s trill and wolf’s answering howl

Water in the stream over stones flow

Reeds picking up a harmony so low

Life is music, melody, and song

Join the chorus and you can’t go wrong

Nothing, though is without its cost

What do you do when the music is lost?


I am as familiar as a memory not yet made

The shadow in the corner that never fades

Always there yet far away

A returning dream with the dying day

Dare you seek in the night so deep

For the secrets that I do keep

Knowing not what you will find

As darkness envelops your dreaming mind


Starless night as darkness falls

Drifting, dreaming as the future calls

Lost and wandering, set adrift

Hoping for a hand to give a lift

Yet, in the blackness of this darkest night

I see in the distance, a flickering light

Moving through the inky still

Guided by my determined will

I find the light shining true

As my mind recalls the image of you.


Day. How I dread it for it brings the quiet. No whispers, no wishes, no pleas in the shadows, only silence. Without the noise, my mind becomes free to roam my memories. This day, my memory is sharp. It is of him, his words, his promises, and finally his loss. Not death, but another to engage his heart. Though my heart was being torn, I smiled and granted his wish. I buried the pain, but not deep enough, for when day comes, and silence rings in my ears, the pain returns. What good is eternity, if it is spent alone.

Brief Love

Hard is the love that is but briefly touched

But be it remembered with joy, not tears

For the heart, in knowing such love learns love not to fear

But should you remember that love and keep it close to your heart,

In that way know, thee and I are never far apart.

Returning Time

It seemed a lifetime or three had passed since she had walked these chambers. Too much time had been spent in one realm or another, seeking to set the Balance, to help those who whispered in the Shadow, trying to find her place. Now she had returned to her home to find peace and to reconnect with herself.

“Sirrion, are you here?” Riambra’s voice echoed eerily through the chamber and the halls beyond. Silence greeted her query and she wondered where he had gone. Everything was clean and neat, so he could not have been gone long. She made herself comfortable in one of the overstuffed chairs and reached out for the book she had been reading when the first whisper had come. Riambra found the page and settled in to read as she enjoyed the sound of silence.

(I am returning to writing and will be using this site to help with the creative process. Riambra is, to me, a living, breathing creation. Sometimes the writing will be in third person and others it will be in her own words. What can I say but when the muse desires to speak, I must listen. )